Irish LC preparation course by elearning

I have decided I want to do Primary School Teaching but I only did ordinary level Irish for my leaving cert. Are there any private colleges or elearning colleges that do Irish courses that would enable me to sit an honours level Irish paper?

Kilroys College run a Distance Learning Preparation course for the Leaving Certificate examination in Irish. This Irish Leaving Certificate course is a flexible option for anyone needing honours Irish. Continuous written assignments are corrected and graded so you can monitor your own progress. You will also be offered constructive feedback from their tutors. With written examination practise, you will feel confident facing your leaving certificate honours Irish paper. The course also includes good quality course materials and step by step type tuition.
Dublin Academy offer online grinds in Irish as well as a range of other subjects - more information available from their website also offer live online classes for a reasonable fee. They publish the class schedule on their website.
Dublin Academy offer online grinds in Irish as well as a range of other subjects - more information available from their website also offer live online classes for a reasonable fee. They publish the class schedule on their website.