About QQI

What exactly is QQI & What does it do?

Quality and Quali cations Ireland (QQI) is the statutory quality assurance body for higher education (HE), further education and training (FET) and English Language Education (ELE) in Ireland. QQI is the main awarding body for the private HE sector and both the public and private FET sectors.
It is the responsibility of QQI to maintain and develop the National Framework of Qualications (NFQ) and to advise the Minister for Education and Skills about national policy on quality assurance and qualications in education and training and matters relating to RPL.
In its external quality assurance role, QQI issues statutory quality assurance guidelines (QAGs) to HE and FET providers, approves the quality assurance (QA) systems of providers, validates programmes of education and training based on specified award standards, and reviews HEIs. When they are developing their own QA procedures, providers are expected to have regard to the statutory guidelines and are required to submit these procedures to QQI for agreement.
QQI is also responsible (through NARIC Ireland) for providing recognition advice to holders of foreign qualifications seeking to work or gain access to further education opportunities in Ireland and to Irish graduates who wish to have their qualifications recognised overseas.
It is the responsibility of QQI to maintain and develop the National Framework of Qualications (NFQ) and to advise the Minister for Education and Skills about national policy on quality assurance and qualications in education and training and matters relating to RPL.
In its external quality assurance role, QQI issues statutory quality assurance guidelines (QAGs) to HE and FET providers, approves the quality assurance (QA) systems of providers, validates programmes of education and training based on specified award standards, and reviews HEIs. When they are developing their own QA procedures, providers are expected to have regard to the statutory guidelines and are required to submit these procedures to QQI for agreement.
QQI is also responsible (through NARIC Ireland) for providing recognition advice to holders of foreign qualifications seeking to work or gain access to further education opportunities in Ireland and to Irish graduates who wish to have their qualifications recognised overseas.