Online Healthcare Courses

Healthcare in Ireland continues to face a myriad of challenges, including high rates of obesity in younger people, waiting lists for consultants, mental healthcare issues along with the worrying fact that Ireland has one of the highest levels of drug-related deaths in Europe. The healthcare system will have ongoing requirements for skilled graduates to help deal with health crises, lifestyle issues and the many maladies that lurk as we age. There will be a need to combat issues like obesity; care for those with special needs, care for an ageing population, and to intervene with addictions related to drugs, alcohol and gambling.
Online healthcare courses are highly effective in preparing students to work in the healthcare sector or to direct students onwards towards further education. Numerous studies have shown their competitiveness in terms of exam success and gaining employment compared to classroom based learning.
Government regulations now require a QQI Level 5 qualification as the minimum requirement to work within the healthcare sector. Many distance learning providers offer healthcare modules which enable participants to satisfy this specific requirement and avail of related roles that exist within the healthcare sector.
There are various NCFE, QQI awards and diplomas available to prospective students who are interested in pursuing healthcare studies. Areas of study include; care of the older person, nursing studies, (which can help to gain entry to progress to a recognised nursing qualification from a higher education institute), mental health studies, drugs/alcohol studies, physiotherapy assistant, and medical secretary studies, amongst others. The following QQI awards enable you to progress to nursing in an HEI: 5M4349 (Nursing Studies), 5M4468 (Community & Health Services), and 5M4339 (Healthcare Support). Your QQI award must also contain distinctions in particular modules, necessary as a foundation to higher education nursing studies.
Healthcare Learning Resources
Chevron Training offer a wide selection of online healthcare courses. Specialising in the delivery of online Childcare and Healthcare Courses, Chevron Training is a leading provider of accredited further and higher education training in the Healthcare and Early Years Care and Education sectors.
The College of Progressive Education run an online QQI level 5 Healthcare Support course. They also offer a QQI level 5 Care of the Older Person course.
The Physiotherapy Assistant course (by blended learning) from Portobello Institute provides training for physiotherapy assistants. The course equips students with the skills and knowledge to care for clients in a safe and hygienic environment. On completion of this course students are awarded a Portobello Institute Certificate in Physiotherapy Assistant, and a QQI Level 5 Major Award in Health Service Skills 5M3782.
Pitman Training is an example of a provider who can give you the opportunity to join the challenging yet highly fulfilling field of medicine as a medical secretary. If you are genuinely interested in health and medicine and have superb customer service skills, you could enjoy a rewarding career in this profession. Courses are offered both in-class and also online. Contact your local Pitman Training centre for more information.
CMIT (College of Management and IT) run a Drug and Alcohol Counselling course. This programme is designed for people who wish to gain an awareness of drug and alcohol misuse, and practice methods of counselling clients who misuse substances. They also offer a social care certificate and mental health qualification.
The Open University offer prospective students the opportunity to study for a degree in health and social care. As part of this course you will gain the essential critical and analytical skills needed to engage in the development of evidence-based practice.
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