Listing 770 Courses in Limerick
Courses in Limerick

Limerick offers education options through both state and private colleges. University of Limerick provides an impressive campus for third level students as well as offering part time and postgraduate options. Pitman Training Limerick offers job skills courses and a wide range of other providers offer full time and part time education.
Limerick & Clare ETB (Education and Training Board), Pitman Training Limerick, Solas, UL and other colleges offer evening courses, whilst online courses and flexible learning options are available from Pitman Limerick, UL and nationwide distance learning providers. Some of the courses on offer throughout Limerick are listed at the links below;
Many of the adult education and further education and training courses throughout Limerick are provided by Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board in conjunction with Solas – more details available on the Limerick ETB website