Listing 1335 Courses in Dublin
Courses in Dublin

There are a large number and variety of courses available throughout Dublin city and county. Full time, part time & evening courses and online courses are all available. ETB, Solas, Portobello Institute, Dorset College and other providers offer evening courses, whilst online courses and flexible learning options are available from Pitman Training Dublin, Kilroys College CMIT and others.
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Many of the adult education and further education and training courses throughout Dublin are provided by the Education and Training Board in conjunction with Solas – there are 2 ETB’s in Dublin more details available on their websites..
City of Dublin ETB
Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB (The administrative area covered by DDLETB reaches from Balbriggan in north Dublin, to Dún Laoghaire in south Dublin and Lucan in west Dublin).