Web Programming eLearning course bundle

Course Details
- College of Management and IT (CMIT)
- Nationwide
- Computers and IT Training
- E-learning, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 12 Months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Course Details
This Web Programming eLearning course bundle is for Web developers who are building enterprise web applications and would like to achieve knowledge and detailed understanding of HTML essentials, JavaScript essentials, CSS essentials along with an introduction to Python.
This course includes the following features:
- Instructor-led demonstrations and visual presentations to develop your skills based on real-world scenarios.
- Unlike a live class, you can fast-forward, repeat or rewind all your lectures. This gives you all the benefit of hands-on training with the flexibility of doing it around your schedule 24/7.
- FlashCards and Education Games are also provided throughout the course.
- Practice exams prepare you for your exams. These exams are on average 100 questions to ensure you are 100% prepared if you are taking a certification exam.
- You can also interact and collaborate with other students through our forums, student contributions and announcement features.
Who should complete this Web Programming eLearning course?
- Web Developers, Mobile Developers, Software Engineers
- Web Designers, and those interested in web programming.
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites
- None. It is however recommended that learners are fully familiar with windows and have experience with basic HTML or computer programming.
Topics covered in this Web Programming eLearning course
Course 1: HTML Essentials
Introduction, what HTML, HTML Resources, selecting a code editor and the relationships of HTML, CCS & java.
The Structure of HTML Docs, DOCTYPE declaration, the structure of the head, body and Footer.
How to format the page with paragraphs, emphasizing text and controlling line breaks.
Structuring the content and the structure elements part 1 and 2.
Adding links, images and other media sources.
How to style the web pages.
Learn how to create your own web page.
Course 2: JavaScript Essentials
A detailed introduction to JavaScript.
The core concept and Syntax addressed.
Getting a detailed handle on DOM (Document Object Mode).
How working with libraries run, installing and using jQuery and how to modify web pages.
Course 3: CSS Essentials
A detailed introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
Understanding the CSS Box model.
Working with different types of page layouts.
Using colours and backgrounds.
Web Typography.
How to work with links, lists and tables.
The dynamic CSS3 properties.
Course 4: Introduction to Python
Introduction into getting started on python.
Working with Primitive data types.
How to work with multiple assignments statements.
How to convert types in Python.
How to modify lists.
Working on sorting and revising lists.
How slicing lists work.
Once you successfully pass the programme, you will receive four certificates from CMIT as follows: HTML Essentials, JavaScript, CSS and Python from CMIT.