QQI Level 5 Challenging Behaviour Course

Course Details
- Chevron College
- Nationwide
- Healthcare and Medical, Health Services
- € 295
- Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 2 months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
The purpose of the QQI Level 5 Challenging Behaviour course is to equip you with the relevant knowledge, skills and competence in supporting individuals with intellectual disability with challenging behaviour.
Challenging Behaviour QQI Award (Minor) Level 5 – 5N1706
The course is available as a blended learning course with distance learning and 1 day in the classroom.
Continuous assessment including assignments, projects, skills demonstrations and learner records.
No formal work placement is required for this course.
Career opportunities: Healthcare Assistant, Carer, Care Worker; Progression to further education.
Assessment structure: 40% assignments and 60% projects