Pre-University Arts with Journalism Level 5

Course Details
- Drogheda Institute of Further Education
- Louth
- Arts and Humanities
- Further Education and PLC, Level 5 QQI
- 1 year
Course Description
This course will suit students who wish to study Arts at Third Level. It introduces them to various methods of study, writing and research skills necessary for successful participation in graduate study.
Learners are also provided with the opportunity to repeat their Leaving Certificate Irish which may assist with progression to primary teaching.
Course Content
- English Literature
- Journalism
- Research & Study Skills
- Internet
- Cultural & Social History
- Communications
- Work Experience
- Psychology
- Irish (Hons Leaving Cert) Optional
- Mathematics (optional)
QQI Certificate in General Studies – 5M3114.
Progression Options
This QQI Level 5 course represents a viable alternative for students who wish to progress to a third level Arts degree or for those (school leavers or mature students) wishing to complete a foundation year before entering higher education. This course is a recognised progression route to Arts and related degree courses.