PFS Scaling Workouts

Course Details
- ProFi Fitness School
- Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick
- Fitness and Health, Fitness instruction
- € 260
- Job Skills and CPD
- Weekend Course
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Scaling Workouts – Learn how to do it correctly!
The idea is to take things as deep as possible while still maintaining form. Progress comes by chasing more depth each time you do the exercise, eventually landing at the ideal point.
PFS Scaling Workouts® is the selection of Master Classes and Lectures providing the necessary information regarding the proper form and technique of basic strength & conditioning, mobility & flexibility, ballistic & none ballistic exercise movement patterns performance .
This course is completed with detailed information about basic progressions and regression of the exercises and their variations.
Practical Learning Experience:
For this course we divide the exercises into muscle groups. You will be presented with easier versions of the exercises and advanced versions of the exercises with progression and regression.
For each exercise, you will be presented the irregularities performed during exercise movements by clients and how to correct them.
You are taught how to choose the correct exercise for the client’s purpose. You will also learn how to indicate an alternative exercise to your client if they need to change the exercise due to poor performance or pain while completing the movement.
Full course details: