PFS Kettlebells

Course Details
- ProFi Fitness School
- Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick
- Fitness and Health
- € 260
- CPD, Job Skills and CPD
- 1 day
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Kettlebells originated in Russia and was popular in the U.S. decades ago but has hit a resurgence in the last few years with a flurry of classes, videos, and books. The reason? Kettlebells offer a different kind of training using dynamic moves targeting almost every aspect of fitness – Endurance, strength, balance, agility and cardio endurance. In our kettlebells instructor course, you will learn how to support your clients when lifting kettlebells, to ensure correct technical movement for safety and effectiveness. We have identified the fundamentals of kettlebell training and built this course around them.
The benefits of Olympic Weightlifting are well documented, with increased mobility & flexibility, strength, power production, muscle mass gain, and speed development.
In recent years, the personal training and fitness industry has caught on to these benefits, and clientele interest in Olympic weightlifting and advanced lifts has skyrocketed. The main goal for any fitness professional is to help their clients meet their goals in a safe and timely manner.
You will also learn functional exercises that are appropriately designed for all types of athletes and sports enthusiasts. Particular movement patterns will help clients achieve better performance, health and long-term function.
This course will teach you essential skills, techniques, and principles in a small group environment.
Full course details: