Managing Your Work – Diploma training course

Managing Your Work – Diploma training course

Course Details

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Course Description

This course has the potential to change for the better the way we run our working lives. Work, in all its forms, is a central human activity for all of us.

This course is directed to those who are in full/part time employment, considering a job move, working at home, managing or supervising others, running a business, or indeed out of work. Today, more than ever we need to take a close look at the role of work in our lives. In today's competitive and rapidly changing world we need all the advantages we can get just to survive in our chosen area of work.

This specially commissioned home study programme aims to introduce you to the skills that you will need to make a success of your work, whatever that may be. It is designed to equip you with the knowledge you will need to build yourself a successful career.

The primary objectives of this home study course in Managing Your Work are:

* To provide an understanding of the modern world of work.

* To teach students the skills they require and so enable them to progress favourably in their chosen areas of work.

* To help students to identify their preferred skill areas and to exploit these to the maximum.

* To equip the participants with the skills necessary to take control of their own careers.

* To show students how to manage stress effectively.

* To provide career guidance techniques to participants.

Course Contents

* Unit 1: The Curse of Adam – Introduction

* Unit 2: What is work really about?

* Unit 3: Your personal work profile

* Unit 4: Motivation at work

* Unit 5: Education and work

* Unit 6: Working smarter not harder

* Unit 7: Training for Work

* Unit 8: Stress at work

* Unit 9: Finding my career direction

* Unit 10: Keys to future success

Course Enquiry

Course Enquiry