Course Details

Course Description

This course provides a structured induction to advanced historical research. It is built upon the common assumption that the understanding of history is important in itself; that history is essential for interpreting not only the past, but all aspects of the present; that an understanding of history provides a solid intellectual foundation applicable to disciplines other than its own; and that the study of history is of incalculable benefit for the acquisition of vital skills, including those of research techniques, analysis, rigorous thought, empathy, and independence of mind.

Course Aims

The course provides a valued route to doctoral research, and to careers in education, research, archival and heritage services, to name but a few. Students who participate in the course will develop their research skills but also deepen their knowledge of substantive and theoretical areas of historical study, guided by faculty with expertise in early modern and modern Irish, European, and international history. In addition, an elective Public History Internship will afford students an opportunity to gain placement experience in partner museums, libraries, and archives.