Level 9 Certificate in Corporate Vision and CSR

Course Details
- Griffin College
- Dublin City
- Management, Leadership Skills
- Postgraduate, Postgraduate Diploma
- 1 Days
Course Description
The Level 9 Postgraduate-Level Certificate in Corporate Vision, Values and Corporate Social Responsibility, (CSR) is accredited and certified by Griffin College.
Section 1 – Review commitment to the vision and values of the organisation
1.1 Agree with stakeholders a process to review the organisation’s statement of vision and values, and its policies on corporate social responsibility and sustainability
1.2 Lead a review of and where appropriate revise the organisation’s statement of vision and values, and its policies on corporate social responsibility and sustainability
1.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of organisational culture, management and leadership styles, internal communications, operational systems, procedures and practices in supporting the organisation’s vision and values and its policies on corporate social responsibility and sustainability
Section 2 – Develop corporate vision, values and culture, and a commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability
2.1 Prepare a strategy to support the organisation’s statement of vision and values, and to develop its culture and commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability
The Level 9 Unit Certificate is accredited and awarded by Griffin College on completion of a structured consultancy report on a significant review of corporate vision and values, and Corporate Social Responsibility, (CSR).
Entry is open to those who can satisfy the College about their capacity to take it.
You can discuss this with the Course Director in advance of booking.
Duration and Times
The course runs over 2 days.
The full day runs from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm with a break from 1:00 pm to 2:00pm
The course is delivered online in real time by the tutors.