Irish Conversation – Revisiting Irish

Course Details
- Malahide Community School, Adult Education
- North Dublin County
- Language, Irish
- € 110
- Evening, Part Time and Evening
- 10 weeks
Course Description
“Revisiting Irish” is a course that will be most suitable to people who have a basic level of Irish (often learnt in school) but who now wish to enhance their ability to speak and understand the language with greater fluency.
The course focuses on Irish as a living language. So, there will be an emphasis on understanding and speaking Irish as it is spoken nowadays, but reading, writing and grammar will also be covered.
The tutor will take account of the needs and interests of individual students in fine tuning course content.
The course aim is to provide all students with a lively, friendly and supportive learning experience.
Join the craic, join the class. “Beidh fáilte romhat”
Course Day & Time: Thursday evening 7.30 – 9.30
Start Date: 06/02/25
Cost: €110
Course Format: In class with tutor. Maximum 12 students.
Duration: 10 weeks
Enrol: Registration for our courses is available by going onto the Adult Education website at and clicking on the ‘Enrol Here’ button.
Enrolment for this class will open on Monday the 9th of December at 10am.
Tutor: Martin Moore