Introduction to Business Process Innovation

Course Details
- Institute of Public Administration
- Nationwide
- Management
- € 900.00
- Live Online Classes, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- Two Day Online Course
Course Description
This two-day online course provides a practical introduction to Business Process Innovation (BPI). It combines a training and workshop approach and equips participants with a structured, systematic approach to running BPI projects. As a result, participants will be better placed to achieve improved and streamlined business processes that align with public service organisations’ remits and make best use of available resources. It is aimed at public servants who are charged with the design and implementation of new ways of working, as programme champion or manager, project team leader or project team member. It is also of benefit to anyone interested in achieving greater organisational effectiveness and efficiency including project stakeholders and those who need more incisive insights into their existing activities.
On completion of the Introduction to Business Process Innovation course, participants will understand standard BPI terms and approaches, its benefits and how to apply it and be able to:
- Develop a Business Process Innovation programme to match the organisation’s goals to BPI projects.
- Identify and define the key business processes in their organisation.
- Select and specify Business Process Innovation projects for key business processes.
- Analyse existing processes, using process mapping skills and tools.
- Diagnose process weaknesses and root causes using mapping and process analysis.
- Measure process performance.
- Develop better performing processes.
- Achieve real improvements from BPI techniques and processes and be ready to implement targeted improvements.
This two-day Introduction to Business Process Innovation Course will be delivered online and facilitated by a subject matter expert.
Scheduled dates* include:
- 19-20 November 2024
*Dates may be subject to change. See the IPA website for full details.