Global MINDS Masters
Course Details
- University of Limerick, Professional Education
- Limerick
- Counselling and Psychology
- Masters, Postgraduate
- 2 years full-time
Course Description
Global-MINDS is a comprehensive 2- year study course delivering high quality international training in social and cultural psychology. It is delivered jointly by the University of Limerick, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, the University of Oslo, and SWPS University. Students gain first-hand intercultural experience by attending at least two Partner Universities, completing a 300-hour internship, and writing a research-based thesis to acquire in-depth knowledge on themes of utmost social relevance: diversity and inclusion, global mobility and acculturation, and migrant health. These characteristics render this master program unique world-wide.
Recent societal challenges such as the global migration crisis or the rise of political extremism call for experts to tackle pressing issues of mobility, inclusion and diversity. In Europe and across the globe, well-trained specialists in intergroup relations and cultural diversity are needed to prevent marginalisation, conflict and violence and to promote inclusion, social equality and collaboration. Global MINDS is a timely master course that responds to these needs by providing a thorough training in psychology and intercultural skills – assets that are indispensable in today’s global knowledge economy and multicultural working environments.
In Year 1, the Global MINDS program consists of obligatory study periods in at least two universities, depending on the thematic path chosen by the student:
Path A. Culture & Diversity (ISCTE-IUL & the University of Limerick)
Path B. Mobility & Society (SWPS University & the University of Oslo)
Path C. Inclusion & Health (SWPS University & the University of Limerick)
In Year 2, students complete an obligatory internship in one of our partner organizations and deliver a Master’s Thesis in one of the Partner Universities.