Pre University Forensic Science 5M3807

Course Details
- Dunboyne College of Further Education
- Meath
- Science, Forensics
- Further Education and PLC, Level 5 QQI
- 1 year Full Time Course
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Pre-University Forensic Science
Applied Science Laboratory Techniques 5M3807
This one-year course will introduce students to the basic principles of forensic science. Students will participate in laboratory work, with a particular focus on how evidence is collected and analysed for use in legal cases. Students will gain a knowledge of the link between the sciences and how these are put to use in the Irish legal system.
• Criminal Law
• Criminology
• Biology
• Laboratory Techniques
• Chemistry
• Mathematics
• Communications
• Work Experience
• Physics
• Microbiology
• QQI Level 5 in Applied Science
Laboratory Techniques 5M3807
Graduates may pursue degree courses such as Digital Forensics and Computer Forensics at TUD Blanchardstown or South East Technological University Waterford. Students can progress onto the Level 8 QQI award in Applied Social Studies at TUD Blanchardstown. Graduates may also progress onto many other degrees at Level 7 and 8 in Universities and ITs or private colleges around the country, along with progression options to the UK. Future areas of employment can include Forensic Medical Examiner, Forensic Engineer, Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Laboratory Analyst. Graduates of a Level 7 degree may progress to employment with Forensic Ireland.
TUD Blanchardstown: TU863 Digital Forensics and Cyber Security (Level 8, 4 Years) TUD City Campus: TU851 Analytical Chemistry – Environmental Forensic Pharmaceutical (Level 8, 4 Years) TUD Tallaght: TU864 DNA and Forensic Analysis (Level 8, 4 Years) South East Technological University Waterford: WD161 Computer Forensics and Security (Level 8, 4 Years) Atlantic Technological University GMIT: GA786 Forensic Science & Analysis (Level 8, 4 Years) Atlantic Technological University Sligo: SG448 Forensic Investigation and Analysis (Level 8, 4 Years) Maynooth: MH208 Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Level 8, 4 Years) DCU: DC121 Computer Science (Level 8, 4 Years) NUIG: GY303 Biomedical Science (Level 8, 4 Years) NUIG: GY301 Science (Level 8, 4 Years) South East Technological University Waterford: WD161 Computer Forensics & Security (Level 8, 4 Years)
• Leaving Cert or LCA
• Mature students of all backgrounds
• Other equivalent qualification
All applicants will be interviewed
regardless of previous qualifications.
Apply directly at