Fashion Design – Portfolio Preparation – Level 5

Course Details
- Drogheda Institute of Further Education
- Louth
- Style and Fashion
- Further Education and PLC, Level 5 QQI
- 1 year
Course Description
This course develops students’ skills, interest and knowledge in the area of Fashion, Costume and Textile Design. The course also promotes and inspires creativity within students’ work. This one year course prepares students for entry into all Third Level Colleges of Art and Design or allows students to progress directly into careers within the Fashion industry.
This fashion design course puts huge emphasis on the NCAD portfolio brief which is completed as part of the course. This brief forms the basis of portfolio work required for entry to all colleges of Art and Design.
More information on fashion design courses at DIFE can be viewed at the DIFE Fashion Blog
Course Content
- Portfolio Preparation
- Design Skills
- Drawing
- Combined Materials
- Embroidery
- Woven Textiles
- Garment Construction
- Pattern Drafting
- Communications
- Work Experience
- Print Making
- Fashion Illustrating
- Collage
QQI Level 5 Certificate in Design – 5M2208.
Progression & Career Options
We guide students towards their area of specialisation and facilitate students preparing portfolios for entry into Third Level Colleges of Art and Design. We encourage students to apply to all relevant colleges including. Students may also progress to a range of related degree courses in Universities and Institutes of Technology.