Dignity at Work: Bullying and Harassment Awareness

Dignity at Work: Bullying and Harassment Awareness

Course Details

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Course Description

The Dignity at Work – Bullying and Harassment Awareness workshop is designed for managers to ensure all employees feel respected in their workplace (regardless of whether they are working in the office, remotely or a combination of both).  Managers need to be cognisant of their legal and ethical responsibilities in accordance with their Dignity at Work Policy.

Bullying and harassment take many forms and the effects are wide reaching.  In addition to the possibility of costly legal actions, it causes stress and anxiety to those involved, increases absenteeism, lowers levels of performance and can significantly undermine organisational, team and employee morale.  This workshop will enable those with responsibility for staff welfare to address this potentially damaging workplace issue.

This workshop has been modified for delivery as an online workshop that will be delivered over one three hour session.  It will be delivered remotely via MS Teams and facilitated by subject matter experts.

Workshop Content

During the Dignity at Work – Bullying and Harassment Awareness Workshop there will be a focus on:

  • Definitions of bullying and harassment (including sexual harassment) according to the legislation;
  • An understanding of the nature and causes of disrespectful behaviour in the workplace and the impact they have on all parties;
  • An understanding of the effects of bullying behaviour at both individual, team and organisational levels;
  • Knowledge of how complaints of bullying and/or harassment are managed by an organisation from initial disclosure through to final decision;
  • Working to resolve issues using proven collaborative conflict resolution methods e.g. mediation ;
  • Appreciation of the role and function of Dignity at Work (DAW) policies, their purpose and their function.

This online workshop will be offered on the following dates:

  • 10 March 2022
  • 5 May 2022

Course Enquiry

Course Enquiry