MA Counselling & Psychotherapy (Family Therapy)

Course Details
- ICHAS (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)
- Dublin, Limerick, Nationwide
- Healthcare and Medical, Social Care
- € 8,200
- Masters, Postgraduate
- 2 Years
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
This programme addresses the needs of practitioners and graduates who wish to develop their professional competence in areas of Counselling & Psychotherapy with particular emphasis of the Family, through advanced study, professional placement and research, develop personal and professional capacity and collaborative problem-solving skills, underpinned by evidence-based practice and reflection.
The MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy(Family Therapy) is designed primarily for graduates in health and human sciences and in particular graduates of counselling and psychotherapy related programmes as well as graduates of disciplines such as, nursing, social care, social work, psychology and programmes in cognate areas who wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of the human condition and the contribution of advanced level Counselling and Psychotherapy practice.
It is taught using a combination of classroom based and skill-based learning in practice settings. The programme utilises Blended learning for theoretic elements of engagement and thus allows the learner to access classes in person or using on-line facilities to allow for a better work/life/study balance while equipping the learner with the confidence, skills and competencies to work in the area of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Successful completion of the programme provides learners with a QQI awarded Masters qualification in Counselling & Psychotherapy ( Family Therapy). It is especially suited to those who work with (or seek to work with) families exposed to or experiencing psychological/psychosocial challenges in a range of health or social care environments and enable them to specialise, lead and work for better outcomes for individuals with complex needs.
The programme responds to the increasing and expanding demand for evidence-based practice using recognised modalities of Counselling & Psychotherapy. More fundamentally it also equips leaders in the field of Counselling & Psychotherapy to respond to ever-changing social and cultural needs and to act autonomously in often unpredictable and ill-defined professional contexts. Moreover, it enables students to employ counselling & psychotherapy competencies as tools for prevention and rehabilitation/recovery, based on family therapy philosophies by creating and modelling learning opportunities where all learners can participate successfully within the context of their own strengths and abilities.
This course will facilitate graduates of undergraduate counselling & psychotherapy related programmes as well as those from cognate areas or applicants with appropriate professional training (through RPL routes) who wish to study towards the completion of Level 9 studies on a programme which has been benchmarked against both the training standards set by the European Association of Counselling (EAC) and the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP).
Completion of the programme will assist graduates who wish to meet professional accreditation requirements for professional practice.