Computer Science QQI Level 5

Course Details
- Dundrum College of Further Education
- South Dublin City
- Computers and IT Training, Programming
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- Further Education and PLC
- One academic year (September to May)
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Award- QQI Level 5 5M0529
Course Aims
Do you have a strong interest in IT, are you technically-minded, enjoy exploring gadgets, smart phones and tablets? Do you have an interest in developing apps to make mundane tasks easier, or creating entertaining applications? Then this course might be for you!
The aim of this programme is to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills required to develop apps for the mobile and traditional computing environments. The course is ideally suited to applicants who wish to progress to Higher Education..
Course Requirements
Leaving Cert – minimum Grade C in Ordinary Maths. Mature students are welcome.
Suitability for this course will be assessed at interview
Course Modules
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming
Software Architecture
Database Methods
Web Authoring
Mobile Technologies
Maths for Computing
Work Experience
To see more and apply visit: