Computer Programming and Game Design

Computer Programming and Game Design

Course Details

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Course Description

Course Description

Computer programming and Games Design is a training programme desigin to assist people with dsiabilities or those out of work due to illness or injury particpate in a very  very flexible and innovative course that provides an excellent opportunity for beginners to develop the skills necessary for a career in the digital entertainment industry and computer applications. The course particularly suits people who want to learn how to design programmes, games or websites, explore IT applications, progress onto university or gain the knowledge required to start their own business in the IT area. Students work through the course at their own speed. The course also provides an extended period of work experience placement.

Course Details

DurationUp to 2 years, Modules are as follows:- Students choose from a selection of modules including:

1.  Fundamentals of Object Orientated Programming

2,  Games Analysis Design

3,  Web Authoring

4, Database Methods

5. Communications

6, Maths for Information technology

7.  Software Architecture

8.  Programming and Design Principles,. Assessment is mainly by continuous assessment through assignments and projects.


QQI Level 5 Major Award in Software Development – 5M2927

Course Enquiry

Course Enquiry