Communication at work

Communication at work

Course Details

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Course Description

Communication at Work

Course Outline

Professional communication skills training increases your confidence and raises your profile as someone who is in full control of communication in the workplace – in both written and in verbal form.

Ours is the cream of communication courses with a proven schedule of simple lessons to make work communications come naturally to you.

Your communication training will begin with sentence structure, subject and verbs, punctuation (including the apostrophe) and common errors. Moving on to build further effective communications skills, you’ll learn telephone techniques (including dealing with difficult calls), body language, dress codes, receiving visitors and remote conferencing methods. To complete your communication skills course, you’ll also learn effective email techniques.

All this is learning at your own, flexible pace supported by course advisors, you keep your workbook as a handy reference back at work – and you get the respected Pitman Training name on your CV.


Course Enquiry

Course Enquiry