College Start

Course Details
- National Learning Network – Roslyn College
- North Dublin City
- Personal Development
- Further Education and PLC
- Up to 18 months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
College Start is a training programme designed to enable people with disabilities or those out of work due to illness or injury participate in an introductory skills course that gives students the opportunity to make a new beginning, build their confidence and explore career opportunities.
It also gives students the opportunity to work on English, Maths and basic Computer Skills. The course is delivered through small classes, some individual tuition and a wide range of creative activities and discussion groups. Students are facilitated in sampling the vocational courses in the College, in applying for courses elsewhere or for jobs in open employment as appropriate.
Course Details
Duration Up to 18 Months, Modules include Communications, Personal Effectiveness, IT Skills, Computer Applications, Functional Maths, Business English, Health Related Fitness, Customer Service, Work Experience.
QQI Major Award – Level 3 Employability Skills 3M0935 major award or Level 4 Employment Skills 4M0857 major award.