Classical Five Element Acupuncture
Course Details
- College of Five Element Acupuncture
- North Dublin City
- Fitness and Health, Alternative Therapies
- € 3850 for Years 1 and 2; 4500 for Year 3
- Job Skills and CPD
- 3 years part time
Course Description
This course teaches classical five element acupuncture. Classical five element acupuncture addresses the patient in their totality – body mind and spirit – and is one of the safest, most comprehensive and far-reaching systems of healing in the world.
Classical five element acupuncture (CF-EA) is the Taoist healing tradition brought to the west by the late Professor J.R. Worsley. You will develop understanding, knowledge and depth of the way each person works in body, mind and the spirit.
Graduates will be eligible for membership of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland (ACI). This will enable graduates avail of the ACI’s professional insurance policy and are designated “qualifying practitioners” for the purposes of patients making claims from their private health insurance – VHI, Laya Healthcare and AVIVA.
The ACI is responsible for the regulation and maintenance of a Register of Acupuncturists. Only fully qualified and insured practitioners can become members of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland. All members are bound by a Code of Ethics and Code of Practice, which is strictly enforced by the Executive Committee of the ACI, thus offering a guarantee of confidence to any patient seeking treatment.
Graduates will also be entitled to become members of the world wide Worsley Institute. The Worsley Institute is the home of the Worsley Five-Element Acupuncture tradition developed by Professor J.R. Worsley.