CIW Javascript Specialist
Course Details
- College of Management and IT (CMIT)
- Nationwide
- Computers and IT Training
- on request
- Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 6 months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
The JavaScript Specialist course focuses on the fundamental concepts of the JavaScript language. This course will empower you with the skills to design client-side, platform-independent solutions that greatly increase the value of your Web site by providing interactivity and interest. You will learn how to use JavaScript to communicate with users, modify the Document Object Model (DOM), control program flow, validate forms, animate images, create cookies, change XHTML on the fly, and communicate with databases. The CIW JavaScript Specialist course teaches developers how to use the features of the JavaScript language to design client-side, platform-independent solutions. Students will also understand and use the most popular applications of JavaScript. These specialized Web language skills can help you begin or grow a career in advanced Web development and technologies.
Topics covered in this Course
Unit 1: Introduction to JavaScript
JavaScript Characteristics
Technologies Based on JavaScript
Server-Side vs. Client-Side Applications
Annotating Your Code with Comments
Expanding the Role of JavaScript
Unit 2: Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript
Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User
Using Data More Than Once: Variables
JavaScript Operators / Expressions
JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
Inline Scripting, Simple User Events and Basic Event Handlers
JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words
Unit 3: Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript
Unit 4: Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript
What Is Debugging?
Tools for Debugging Code
Testing Code in Various Browsers
Debugging Logic Errors
JavaScript and Mobile Devices
Unit 5: Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript
Unit 6: The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM) and JavaScript Language Objects
introduction to JavaScript Language Objects
The String Object
Evaluating Strings
JavaScript Regular Expressions
The Array Object
The forEach Method
The Map Method
The Date Object
Setting and Extracting Time Information
The Math Object
Unit 7: Custom JavaScript Objects
Creating Custom Objects
Creating a JavaScript Object: The Constructor
Creating an Instance of a Custom Object
Creating Object Methods
Creating Functions for Your Objects
Concept of Classes
Iterators and Generators
Call, apply and bind
Unit 8: Changing HTML on the Fly
Unit 9: Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript
Interactive Forms
Overview of Form Elements
Referring to Form Elements
The form Object
The input Elements and text Objects
The textarea object
The select Object
Form Validation
Common form Security Errors
Unit 10: JavaScript Security
Unit 11: JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Introduction to JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Choosing a Code Library
External and Pre-Made Scripts
Loading Your First Library
Using JavaScript Library Plug-ins
Using Frameworks
Best Practices with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Copyright Issues and JavaScript
Unit 12: JavaScript and AJAX and APIs
Web Application Programming Interface (API)
The Web Storage API
The Geolocation API
The Canvas API
Once you successfully pass the programme, you will receive a Diploma in Javacript Programming from CMIT.
You may optionally take exams to receive CIW Certification. This is a computer-based multiple-choice exam (CIW Exam 1D0-635) which may be sat when students have completed the course. Exam fees are not included in Course Fees.
The exam may be completed at an Assessment Centre near where you live.