Certificate in Gambling Addiction

Course Details
- ICHAS (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)
- Limerick City, Cork, Dublin, Nationwide
- Social Studies
- € 2,400
- Postgraduate
- 12 weeks
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
This Certificate in Addiction Studies (Gambling) is validated by QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications and is 30 ECTS.
The programme specifically aims to increase practitioner awareness and enhance relevant skills and competencies to engage with those with Gambling Addiction and to support them in their journey towards recovery The programme is delivered by lecturers who have both therapeutic experiences of working in an addiction environment, but more specifically, gambling addiction.
The programme is supported by the Gambling Awareness Trust for 11 applicants where 70% of fees will be funded, students can redeemed directly from ICHAS upon completion of the course.
Who is this course for?
This Level 9 Certificate Award is designed for graduates in health and human sciences and in particular graduates of counselling and psychotherapy related programmes as well as disciplines such as, nursing, social care, social work, psychology and programmes in cognate areas who wish to enhance the knowledge and competencies to engage with those with Gambling Addiction and to support them in their journey towards recovery. The Programme has been designed to take due cognisance of the distinctive features of Gambling Addiction and the specific ethos associated with the Recovery Model in Addiction to expand their knowledge and understanding of Recovery Approaches to Gambling Addiction and the contribution of theoretical and applied perspectives at advanced level to gambling addiction recovery practice.
It is designed for those working with individuals, families and communities impacted by Gambling Addiction. This Programme specifically focusses on understandings of Gambling Addiction and Recovery from Addiction Perspectives.
Structure of Course
Learners can complete this course over 12 weeks . The timetable has been structured to optimise the utilisation of online learning via Zoom and in person mandatory attendance for skills based workshops.
Learners have to complete four modules on this programme which amount to 30 ECTS .
The modules and associated credits relating to the Certificate in Addiction Studies (Gambling) are as follows
- Contemporary Evidence Based Interventions in Addiction Recovery 10 ECTS
- Comorbidity & Trauma Informed Care 5 ECTS
- The Recovery Model in Addiction 5 ECTS
- Gambling Addiction & the Recovery Model 10 ECTS
This programme comprises 30 ECTS and is being offered as a Minor Award. It will supplement existing academic and professional learning among graduates of relevant undergraduate programmes, providing the opportunity for students to engage with subject material supporting specialist practice for graduates who seek to have a more robust understanding of ‘specialist’ interventions and approaches in work supporting Recovery within Gambling Addiction contexts.
What supports are available to learners
At ICHAS, every lecturer and member of staff is committed to excellence in education and professional practice. Each module has a Module Leader who works with learners to enhance their learning and will provide formative and summative feedback throughout every module. Each programme has a Programme Co-ordinator and in addition you will have direct access to the Programme Leader and the Director of Graduate Studies.
Who Awards My Qualification?
On successful completion of the programme, your qualification is awarded by (QQI) Quality and Qualifications Ireland. QQI is one of the principal Irish awarding body for 3rd level education in Ireland and sets the standards for awards on the National Framework of Qualifications. Because this programme is both validated and awarded by QQI, the Award you receive is recognised in Ireland and internationally.