Postgraduate Certificate in Customer Relationship Management

Course Details
- ICHAS (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)
- Dublin, Limerick, Nationwide
- Admin and Office Skills, Customer Service
- € 1,750
- Blended Learning, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Who is this course for?
This Certificate in Customer Relations Management aims to equip learners with the foundational knowledge and skill to be able to understand these dynamics for innovation and growth in the contemporary organisation. Target learners will include those who are working in organisations with a strong customer and innovative focus. Prospective learners will wish to develop an awareness of CRM as an organisational approach, consumer values and loyalty, alongside fundamental knowledge and skills in CRM strategy development and alignment. Target learners are likely to include those who wish to develop knowledge and competence based on the theory and practice of Customer Relationship Management.
Course Delivery
The Certificate in customer relationship management is taken over 1 semester on a Full-time basis and 2 semesters on a Part-time basis comprising 20 Credits (ECTS) at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The timetable has been structured to optimise the utilisation of hybrid learning. It thus allows the learner to access classes in person or online to allow for a better work/life/study balance.
Course Content
Theoretical Perspectives on Consumer Experience – 10 Ects
Customer Relationship Management – 10 ECTs
The programme will introduce the theories and practices related to promoting excellence in Customer Relationship Management within work-related contexts. The programme comprises 20 ECTS and is being offered as a Minor Award. It will supplement existing academic and professional learning among graduates who seek to understand and utilise best practices in in Customer Relationship Management.
The overall aims of the Certificate in Customer Relationship Management are to:
1) Provide an introductory postgraduate qualification in Customer Relationship Management for graduates who work (or seek to work in) professional Work-Related leadership or management roles where Customer Services is a central element of the environment.
2) Provide a programme which supports learners to achieve a comprehensive theoretical discourse and understanding of the key principles of Customer Relationship Management.
3) Critically appraise Customer Relationship Management theories, models etc as applied to a range of work contexts.
4) Support graduates to develop and apply theoretical knowledge related to Customer Relationship Management to work-related contexts.
5) Provide access routes to appropriate Higher Education for participants to specialise based on their current professional needs, individual professional interests and/or career orientation.
Entry Requirements & Selection Criteria
- The Certificate in Customer Relationship Management is designed for graduates of a relevant Level 8 programme at a minimum of a 2.2 standard) who wish to engage in further study in this field relavent programmes may include but not limited to designed graduates of psychology and business-related programmes, graduates of Humanities and Human Science such as health sciences, nursing, social care, social work and programmes in cognate areas who wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of the use, effectiveness and appropriateness of the principles of Work-Related Psychology.
- Those who have completed other relevant education programmes or have relevant professional experience etc., where Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) and Acquired Prior Learning (APL) can be applied, may apply for admission to the programme by submission of programme content, qualification and assignments equivalent to an appropriate Second Class Honours (2:2)award at Level 8.
- The minimum English language proficiency requirement for this programme is B2+ in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages which is equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.5.