Certificate in Business Finance

Course Details
- College of Management and IT (CMIT)
- Nationwide
- Financial
- on request
- Online Courses - Distance Learning
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
This is an excellent course, which will equip you with detailed knowledge on Management Accounting, Pricing, Costing, Credit Control, Book-keeping and Record-keeping.
Your Tutor will support you throughout the duration of the course. Our student support team are also available for any other queries that you may have whilst completing your course. You can be assured that support is available for your course, so there is no need to struggle or feel isolated during your studies.
By choosing to study this course with CMIT, Students have 24×7 access to CMIT eLearning for the duration of the course.
This includes a comprehensive Course Manual, Video, Quizzes and personalised Tutor Support. The course documentation for this course is detailed and easy to read. You will also be able to upload assessments online and receive online feedback. You can use the eLearning system from any computer that has internet access.
Topics covered in this Course
Unit 1: Understanding Financial Statements
Calculating profit
The Balance sheet
Profit and loss account (P&L)
Financial ratios
Comparing financial statements
Unit 2: Credit Control
Managing credit
Collection procedures
Collection through the courts
Unit 3: Budgeting and Cashflow
Budgetary control systems
Cashflow statements and forecasts
Key management reports
Unit 4: Costing and Pricing
Introduction to costing
Costing techniques
Cost behaviour
Breakeven analysis
Marginal costing
Pricing a product
Unit 5: Capital Budgeting
Sources of finance
Capital appraisal techniques
Payback Period
Net Present Value (NPV)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)