CAO Courses at TUS

Course Description

CAO Courses with TUS (Technological University of the Shannon) are offered at levels 6, 7 & 8. These are listed below.

US800 Art and Design (Common Entry, Portfolio) [Limerick]
US801 Art and Design Teacher Education (Offered jointly by TUS and UL – Portfolio) [Limerick]
US802 Animation and Illustration (Portfolio) [Athlone]
US803 Graphic and Digital Design (Portfolio) [Athlone]
US804 Creative Media and User Experience Design [Clonmel]
US805 Digital Animation (Portfolio) [Clonmel]
US806 Game Art and Design (Portfolio) [Clonmel]
US807 Creative Broadcast and Film Production [Limerick]
US808 Music Production and Technology [Limerick]
US809 Music and Sound Engineering [Athlone]
US820 Software Development [Limerick]
US821 Software Design for Virtual Reality and Gaming [Athlone]
US822 Software Design in Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing [Athlone]
US823 Software Design for Mobile Apps and Connected Devices [Athlone]
US824 Computer Engineering for Network Infrastructure [Athlone]
US825 Immersive Digital Media [Limerick]
US826 Mobile and Web Computing [Limerick]
US827 Computer Networks and Systems Management [Limerick]
US828 Computing – Games Design and Development [Thurles]
US829 Computer Engineering for Robotics [Athlone]
US840 Business [Athlone]
US841 Business [Limerick]
US842 Business [Thurles]
US843 Business Studies (Digital Marketing) [Limerick]
US844 Digital Marketing [Athlone]
US845 Accounting and Finance [Limerick]
US846 Accounting with Finance [Athlone]
US847 Accounting with Finance and Placement [Athlone]
US848 Business and Law [Athlone]
US849 Law and Taxation [Limerick]
US850 Law [Athlone]
US851 Business Studies (Marketing and Management) [Limerick]
US852 Business Studies (Enterprise and Innovation) [Limerick]
US853 International Business [Athlone]
US854 International Business Studies [Limerick]
US855 Business with Computing [Limerick]
US860 Biotechnology with Biopharmaceutical Science [Limerick]
US861 Biotechnology [Athlone]
US862 Microbiology [Athlone]
US863 Forensic and Pharmaceutical Sciences [Limerick]
US864 Drug and Medicinal Product Analysis [Limerick]
US865 Pharmacology [Athlone]
US866 Pharmaceutical Sciences [Athlone]
US867 Bioveterinary Science [Athlone]
US868 Environmental Science and Climate [Thurles]
US869 Medical Technology [Limerick]
US870 Agricultural Science and Sustainability [Thurles]
US877 General Nursing [Athlone]
US878 Mental Health Nursing [Athlone]
US880 Quantity Surveying [Athlone]
US881 Quantity Surveying [Limerick]
US882 Property Valuation and Management [Limerick]
US883 Built Environment (Common Entry) [Limerick]
US884 Construction Management [Athlone]
US885 Construction Management [Limerick]
US886 Civil Engineering Management [Limerick]
US887 Civil Engineering [Athlone]
US888 Interior Design [Limerick]
US900 Electrical Engineering [Limerick]
US901 Renewable and Electrical Energy Engineering [Limerick]
US902 Industrial Automation and Robotic Systems [Limerick]
US903 Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems [Limerick]
US910 Mechanical Engineering [Athlone]
US911 Mechanical Engineering [Limerick]
US912 Mechanical Engineering with Energy [Athlone]
US913 Mechanical and Polymer Engineering [Athlone]
US914 Precision Engineering [Limerick]
US915 Automotive Engineering and Transport Management [Limerick]
US916 Automation and Robotics [Athlone]
US920 Social Care Work [Limerick]
US921 Social Care Practice [Athlone]
US922 Social Care Work [Thurles]
US923 Social Care Work [Ennis]
US924 Applied Psychology [Limerick]
US925 Applied Psychology [Athlone]
US926 Early Years Care and Education [Athlone]
US927 Early Childhood Education and Care [Limerick]
US928 Community and Addiction Studies [Limerick]
US930 Culinary Entrepreneurship [Athlone]
US931 Culinary Entrepreneurship [Limerick]
US932 Hospitality Management (with International Placement) [Athlone]
US940 Business Studies with Travel and Tourism Management [Limerick]
US941 Business Studies with Event Management [Limerick]
US946 Business Studies with Beauty and Spa Management [Limerick]
US950 Nutrition and Health Science [Athlone]
US951 Sports Science with Exercise Physiology [Athlone]
US952 Sports Management (with International Placement) [Athlone]
US953 Business Studies with Sports Management [Limerick]
US954 Sports Development and Performance [Limerick]
US956 Athletic and Rehabilitation Therapy [Athlone]
US957 Physical Activity and Health Science [Athlone]
US958 Applied Sports Science with Strength and Conditioning [Thurles]
US959 Applied Sports Science with Performance Technology [Thurles]
US960 Accounting and Finance (Online)

Ordinary Bachelor Degrees / Higher Certificates – Level 7/Level 6
US600 Music and Instrument Technology [Athlone]
US610 Accounting and Finance [Limerick]
US611 Business [Athlone]
US612 Business Studies (Marketing and Management) [Limerick]
US613 Business (Sport and Recreation) [Athlone]
US630 Culinary Arts [Athlone]
US631 Culinary Arts [Limerick]
US632 Bar Supervision [Athlone]
US640 Sports Development and Coaching [Limerick]
US650 Automobile Technology [Limerick]
US651 Agricultural Mechanisation (in Year 1 students – four days at Pallaskenry Ag College and one day at TUS Limerick) [Limerick]
US660 Pharmacy Technician [Athlone]
US661 Dental Nursing [Athlone]
US662 Applied Science [Athlone]
US700 Graphic Design (Portfolio) [Athlone]
US701 Creative Media and User Experience Design [Clonmel]
US702 Creative Broadcast and Film Production [Limerick]
US703 Music Production and Technology [Limerick]
US704 Music and Sound Engineering [Athlone]
US710 Mobile and Web Computing [Limerick]
US711 Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure [Athlone]
US712 Software Design with Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing [Athlone]
US713 Software Design for Virtual Reality and Gaming [Athlone]
US714 Computer Engineering [Athlone]
US715 Software Design for Mobile Apps and Connected Devices [Athlone]
US716 Computer Engineering for Robotics [Athlone]
US720 Business [Athlone]
US721 Business [Thurles]
US722 Business with Computing [Limerick]
US723 Enterprise and Innovation [Limerick]
US724 Digital Marketing [Athlone]
US730 Applied Biology [Limerick]
US731 Biotechnology [Athlone]
US732 Forensic and Pharmaceutical Sciences [Limerick]
US733 Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Development and Analysis) [Athlone]
US735 Medical Technology [Limerick]
US736 Environmental Science and Climate [Thurles]
US738 Veterinary Nursing [Athlone]
US740 Agricultural Science and Sustainability [Thurles]
US750 Electrical Engineering [Limerick]
US751 Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems [Limerick]
US752 Renewable and Electrical Energy Engineering [Limerick]
US753 Industrial Automation and Robotic Systems [Limerick]
US760 Civil Engineering [Limerick]
US761 Civil Engineering [Athlone]
US770 Mechanical Engineering [Athlone]
US771 Mechanical Engineering [Limerick]
US772 Mechanical Engineering with Energy [Athlone]
US773 Engineering (Common Entry) [Athlone]
US774 Precision Engineering [Limerick]
US775 Road Transport Technology and Management [Limerick]
US776 Automation and Robotics [Athlone]
US777 Mechanical and Polymer Engineering [Athlone]
US780 Early Years Care and Education [Athlone]
US781 Social Care Work [Ennis]
US782 Applied Social Studies in Social Care [Athlone]
US785 Sports Development and Performance [Limerick]
US786 Applied Sports Science with Strength and Conditioning [Thurles]
US787 Business Studies with Sports Management [Limerick]
US788 Exercise and Health Science [Athlone]
US790 Business Studies with Travel and Tourism Management [Limerick]
US791 Business Studies with Event Management [Limerick]
US792 Business Studies with Beauty and Spa Management [Limerick]
US794 Hotel and Leisure Management [Athlone]
US795 Culinary Arts [Limerick]