
Course Details
- College of Management and IT (CMIT)
- Nationwide
- Business and Accounting, Accounting
- E-learning, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 6 months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Course Details
This Bookkeeping course provides learners with the skills needed to deal with the books and accounts in a corporate environment. Whether you are an office secretary, working in finance, or a small business owner this ABC Certificate in Bookkeeping course is designed to give you an understanding of the application of Bookkeeping and Accounting knowledge in the workplace.
Your Tutor will support you throughout the duration of the course. You complete the course by undertaking activities and assignments. Our student support team are also available for any other queries that you may have whilst completing your course. You can be assured that unlimited support is available for your course, so there is no need to struggle or feel isolated during your studies.
By choosing to study this Bookkeeping course with CMIT, Students have 24×7 access to CMIT eLearning for the duration of the course. This includes a comprehensive Course Manual, Video, Quizzes and personalised Tutor Support. The course documentation for this course is detailed and easy to read. You will also be able to upload assessments online and receive online feedback. You can use the eLearning system from any computer that has internet access.
Topics covered in this Bookkeeping Course
Part 1
The role of the bookkeeper
Types of businesses
The concepts of Business Entity and Historic Cost
Setting up the Bank Account
The Analysed Cash Book
An Introduction to Double Entry Bookkeeping
The concept of Duality
Correction of Errors
The Journal
The Cash Account
Two Column Cash Book
Debit and Credit Cards
Payroll Transactions
Credit Transactions
An Introduction to Value Added Tax
Business Documents
Calculating VAT
VAT and the Ledgers
Petty Cash
Part 2
Day Books
Control Accounts
Three Column Cash Book Bad debts
Sale of an Asset Paying the VAT bill
The Construction Industry
Withdrawal of funds by partners and directors
Foreign Transactions
Relevant Legislation
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites
The assignments for this course are completed in excel. Candidates should have a good basic knowledge of excel.
This course is assessed through a series of tutor marked assignments. There is no exam for this course.
At the end of this course successful learners will receive a Certificate of Achievement from ABC Awards and Certa Awards and a Learner Unit Summary (which lists the components the learner has completed as part of the course). The course has been endorsed under the ABC Awards and Certa Awards Quality Licence Scheme. This means that Kendal Publishing has undergone an external quality check to ensure that the organisation and the courses it offers, meet defined quality criteria. The completion of this course alone does not lead to a regulated qualification but may be used as evidence of knowledge and skills gained. The Learner Unit Summary may be used as evidence towards Recognition of Prior Learning if you wish to progress your studies in this subject. To this end the learning outcomes of the course have been benchmarked at Level 3 against level descriptors published by Ofqual, to indicate the depth of study and level of demand/complexity involved in successful completion by the learner. The course itself has been designed by Kendal Publishing to meet specific learners’ and/or employers’ requirements which cannot be satisfied through current regulated qualifications. ABC Awards and Certa Awards endorsement involves robust and rigorous quality audits by external auditors to ensure quality is continually met. A review of courses is carried out as part of the endorsement process. ABC Awards and Certa Awards have long-established reputations for providing high quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. ABC Awards and Certa Awards combine over 180 years of expertise combined with a responsive, flexible and innovative approach to the needs of our customers.
An ABC Awards Level 2 is roughly equivalent to a Level 4 on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications.
Please note that there is a Eur60 fee payable for administration, moderation and certification.