Art and Architecture of Baroque Rome

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Course Description

The late sixteenth century and most of the seventeenth was one of the great periods of artistic creativity in world history – with the leading and most innovative artists working in, or being inspired by Rome. In spite of the treasures of its Antique past and its Renaissance the dominant impression of Rome, to this day, stems from the Baroque period. The domes and fountains, the streetscapes and piazzas are all very much typical of the Baroque.
In this short six-week programme, The Art and Architecture of Baroque Rome, we will consider the elements and the characteristics of the Baroque through the work of artists like the Carracci, Caravaggio, and Bernini. It will look at town planning, architecture, fountains and the great art and decorative schemes that made the city synonymous with art for such a long period.
The course runs from 7-9pm on Wednesday evenings from 1 February 2012
Lecturer: Dr Hugh Maguire, Hunt Museum Director