An Embodied Approach to Working with Trauma

Course Details
- PCI College
- Dublin
- Counselling and Psychology
- CPD, Job Skills and CPD
- Live Online Workshop
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
There is a significant body of evidence now available which shows that the majority of individuals who present for mental health and substance abuse treatment are primarily dealing with the impact of psychological trauma. Evidence from neurobiology shows that trauma impacts on areas of the brain which are sub-cortical and therefore not accessible by cognitions. There is a growing awareness of the need therefore for clinicians to have the therapeutic skills which support their clients in developing the ability to regulate their nervous systems. This workshop will give you an understanding of the need for these skills and introduction to them in practise.
Students will develop an understanding of the need for an embodied approach to trauma, have the opportunity to see the basic skills used in working with an embodied approach being demonstrated and get opportunity to begin to use these skills.