Advanced Animal Science Level 6

Course Details
- Drogheda Institute of Further Education
- Louth
- Animal Care
- Further Education and PLC, Level 6 QQI
- 1 year
Course Description
This course is a QQI Level 6 award in Animal Science. The course provides students with the knowledge and practical skills to manage an animal care facility or to set up their own business. Graduates may progress to a degree in Veterinary Nursing, Zoology, Biochemistry, Animal Science and Animal Behaviour.
Course Content
- Animal Science and Health
- Animal Behaviour
- Kennel and Cattery Management
- Animal Grooming
- Grooming Science
- Canine Obedience and Training
- Communications
- Work Experience
QQI Level 6 Certificate in Animal Science. Course Code: 6M5153.
Entry Requirements
Students must have successfully completed a QQI Level 5 Certificate in Animal Care or equivalent.
Progression Options
Students may find employment directly within the Animal Care industry. Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to manage an Animal Care facility or to start their own business in the animal related industry. Graduates are eligible to apply for entry to a range of related degree courses in Institutes of Technology and Universities both nationally and in the UK