Moate Business College

Art, Design and Media
Advanced Software Development Level 6
Art and Design Level 5 (5M1984)
Digital Photography
Introduction to Drawing
Media Studies Level 5
Art and Design Level 6
Business and Accounting
Business and Office Administration Level 5
Advanced Certificate in Office Management
Early Childhood Care and Education L5 (5M2009)
Early Childhood Care and Education L6 (6M2007)
Computers and IT Training
Software Development Level 5
Computers for Beginners
Computers for Improvers
Advanced Business with IT Level 6
Pre University Preparation Course
Crafts and Manual Skills
DIY Bike Maintenance
Flower Arranging
Special Needs Assisting QQI Level 6
Apply Your Make Up Like a Pro
Fitness and Health
Sport , Anatomy and Nutrition Level 5 5M5146
Healthcare and Medical
Nursing Studies Level 5 (5M4349)
Special Needs Assisting QQI Level 5
Literature and Journalism
Creative Writing
Marketing, Sales and PR
Digital Marketing & Business
Bridge For Beginners
Music and Sound
Beginners Guitar
Contact Details
At Moate Business College the aim is to provide students with the highest quality education and training which will prepare them for the world of work or Further Education. Since opening in 1991 a wide range of Further Education courses have been developed in response to demand both at local and national level. The College is renowned throughout the midlands for the quality of its job related courses.
Further Education courses have now gained due recognition on the ladder of progression within the Irish Education System – with approximately 45,000 students choosing this option annually. Having completed a Further Education course, there are many options open to students: • To go directly into the workplace • To progress to higher education in other third level colleges • Further progression within Moate Business College.
Application Procedure
Application forms are available directly from the College or prospective applicants can apply online through the college website on All applicants for courses will be called for interview.
There are no tuition fees payable in Moate Business College. However, please note that there are costs involved in taking a course, e.g. exam fees, professional body registration fees etc.
All students attending Moate Business College are eligible to apply for Maintenance Grants as in all third level colleges. Details are available from
All students attending Moate Business College are offered QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) Certification, which is widely recognised and respected by employers. At Moate Business College, Level 5 and Level 6 courses are offered. A full certificate is awarded to a candidate who achieves the required standard in the appropriate number and range of modules (usually the successful completion of 8 modules, including any mandatory modules as specified by QQI).
Progression from Moate Business College
On successful completion of their studies at Moate Business College, students are eligible to apply for further studies at other third level colleges in Ireland. There are a number of reserved places in Institutes of Technology for holders of QQI Level 5 and Level 6 qualifications. Opportunities for Direct Entry exist for holders of Level 6 awards.
College Activities
Extra college activities can include sporting activities, study tours in Ireland, study tours abroad, art exhibitions, and participation in EU funded Projects
Erasmus Project
The MBC Erasmus programme funds practical projects in the field of education and training. The programme will allow a number of our students to participate in a three week work placement in their vocational area in a European country.