Colour and Image Academy


If you are looking for a rewarding career in the image business, our academy provides inspiring and thorough training that is designed to enable you to possess all the relevant skills to make you successful. We are committed to excellence and our comprehensive courses will give you a qualification in the following areas: Colour consultations – Ladies style and body shape – Make-up – Make-overs – Seasonal fashion advice – Full Bridal Service – Men’s Image – Personal shopping service – Professional dressing. Colour and Makeup Training course (5 Day Course) runs from Wednesday – Sunday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Style and Image Training course (5 Day in-house training) runs from Wednesday – Sunday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Make-up Artistry Training (2-3 Day courses) from 9:30 – 5:30 daily. Private consultations can be arranged by appointment, we work Tuesday – Saturday and work late evenings.

Contact Details

Cork, 2 Carey's Lane (off Patrick St) Cork
021 427 6330