Business Studies Courses

business and accounting courses part time and full time in Ireland

The business studies field can be a bit of a maze, with a huge selection of courses to choose from. The choices can range from business start-up on to business administration or if choosing specialist topics these can vary from business with a language or business with art or one of several other specialist areas. As business is a subject that easily pairs with nearly every other discipline, there are many more variations than in most other courses.

Two things that you should keep in mind when deciding on a business course are how much time you can dedicate to the course and what level you want to study at. The large range of courses on offer is a bonus in this case as there are courses to suit all schedules and levels.

The field of entrepreneurship and innovation is a popular area of business study, with many courses featuring modules on topics such as developing and managing early businesses. Courses that have experienced lecturers and well developed tuition in this area are important, as are opportunities for work experience and real world assignments. Courses based on on-line business and marketing are also very popular but nearly all regular business and commerce courses cover this area so it is good to have a detailed look at the course content for each option when making a decision. Details of courses are always found on the college websites and the majority of universities, colleges, private colleges and IT’s offer business training courses.

Part time and evening business courses including business management and start your own business courses can be viewed on at the following link.. Business and Accounting course listings on Findacourse.

Most further education colleges offer business training courses in some form and these can be a great starting point for those entering third-level education or the field of business studies for the first time. Most of the level 5 and level 6 courses allow for progression to higher education and can often be structured to suit students with family commitments or in employment.

Some examples of level 5 and level 6 business courses on offer are:
– Business and Computers Level 6 in Stillorgan College of Further Education
– Tourism with Business Levels 5 & 6 in Moate Business College
– Business Management in Portobello Institute

There are many higher certificate level 7 business training courses on offer around the country also. A level 7 qualification is a step below an honours degree and can be convenient for those who want to up skill without the commitment of the three to four year degree programme. Level 7 qualifications can generally be easily converted to full honours degrees.

Some examples of level 7 courses on offer are:
– Bachelor of International Business level 7 (part time and full time options) in Dorset College Dublin
– Higher Certificate in Business in Office Information Systems in the Institute of Technology Tralee
– Higher Certificate in Business in Social Media Marketing in Athlone Institute of Technology
– Diploma in Business Studies, available part time with Institute of Public Administration

A level 8 degree is an honours degree and as well as the traditional courses that take three or four years to complete, there are also many top-up options, part-time courses and accelerated courses that are suitable for those looking to combine work with study.

Examples of level 8 business courses are:
– Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship and Management in Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
– Business Studies in Griffith College, Cork City
– Bachelor of Business Studies (Accounting) from the Institute of Public Administration – (This course can be completed part time over 4 years)

Postgraduate, or level 9 and level 10 courses, are for those who have completed a level 8 degree, however, not necessarily in business. There are many level 9 converter courses available alongside the large selection of full and part-time postgraduate courses and MBA programmes.

Some examples of post-graduate business courses are:
– Innovation Management (Postgraduate Diploma) with NUI Galway
– Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Cultural Event Management in Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology

For more Business Studies course options view the Business and Accounting course page on