Blog » solas


Evening courses with Solas Galway

Solas in Galway runs a wide range of evening courses for part time learners. Anyone interested should visit the Solas training centre in Mervue Business… Solas Evening Courses in Galway


Minister Joan Burton recently announced that another 1,000 places are being added to the Government’s JobBridge Scheme. She also added that ‘the National Internship Scheme… Internships under the spot-light


Earlier this year, Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, published a new bill stating that SOLAS, An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna, will be the new… Solas to Replace FAS

further education cuts

On Tuesday September 17th, the first education congress meeting was held in 80 years. The newly formed Education and Training Boards (ETBs) met to discuss… Further Education Faces Further Cuts

solas courses

The Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn has announced that he is appointing Pat Delaney as the chairperson of SOLAS; the new state authority for further… Solas Switches On