Everyone gets stressed around exam time but it’s important not to let it get out of hand. A small amount of stress can be helpful… Tips for Dealing with Exam Stress
junior cert
This year 58,798 thousand candidates received Junior Cert results. This is an increase of over 3% on last year. There was a time, not too… The Junior Cert – The State Exam Where Fairness Prevails
When it was announced by the Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn, that there would be a major overhaul of the Junior Cert examination; the country… End of an Era – Junior Cert Overhaul
Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Finland and Denmark have done it and now the UK is following suit. These countries have all updated their primary school… Information and Communications Technology in Schools
Leaving Certificate Nearing Start Date. Ireland’s youngsters face some challenging exams in the coming weeks, with the Leaving Certificate underway from the 5th to the… Education Overview May 29th