IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experiences) is a worldwide network that organises paid, course-related traineeships for students and recent graduates of technical subjects such as Engineering, Science, and IT. A huge variety of employers, ranging from multinational companies to university research departments to start-up enterprises, offer traineeships through the programme. IAESTE was established in 1947, operates in 87 countries worldwide and has approximately 4,000 international participants each year.
IAESTE is open to students currently enrolled, preferably in the third year or above, in technical courses such as Engineering, Science or IT in third-level institutions in the Republic of Ireland. Graduates can apply within the first year of their graduation. Applications are accepted online between September and December each year. Traineeships can last from two to 12 months and be hosted in any IAESTE country other than Ireland.
All IAESTE countries have a national office to coordinate the programme and liaise with employers and trainees. The majority of countries also have a wide support network of local volunteers who help trainees settle into and explore their host countries. In Ireland, IAESTE works with diverse employers including Trinity College Dublin, SAP, Ericsson, and Threefold.
There is an application fee and a further placement fee on acceptance of a traineeship, to contribute to the running costs of the programme. IAESTE trainees pay their own travel costs, including any required visa or work permit processing fees. All trainees must have valid international health insurance before travelling.
More information about this years IAESTE application process can be viewed online at IAESTE website.