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Engage Galway, Adult Learning Event

    Engage Galway

    For those interested in up-skilling, changing careers, or are unsure about what study option to take, Engage Galway takes place on Saturday, 27th January in the Connacht Hotel, Dublin Road, Galway, from 10-1pm. 

    Following its previous success, this unique event is back this year and brings together further and higher education providers with representatives from GMIT, GRETB and NUI Galway.

    This event focuses on adult learners and brings together careers advisors and educational providers in the Galway region. One-to-one consultations are available for those who wish to speak directly with a career counsellor.

    engage galway

    Representatives from the following Industry areas will attend Engage  Galway to provide advice on career options in a diverse range of areas. The focus will be on employability, job categories and specific skill sets employers are seeking.

    Industry areas include:

    • Medical Devices
    • Construction
    • Hospitality and Tourism
    • Business and Sales
    • Creative Arts
    • Information Technology
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Finance and Accounting
    • Apprenticeships
    • Healthcare
    • Social Impact field

    Representatives from GRETB Apprenticeship team will also be on hand on the day with information on the full range of over 40 apprenticeships/traineeships in a range of sectors including Construction, Electrical, Engineering, Finance, IT, Hospitality and Motor.


    Representatives from the Regional Skills Forum West, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board and NUI Galway will be available to discuss further education and support options for those who wish to return to further education and training. Additionally, representatives from Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) and the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) will be available to discuss any queries on grants, funding and entitlements you may have.

    REGISTRATION Registration to attend Engage ‘18 is free and may be done online at the link below.

    NB: One-to-one consultations are made on a first come, first served basis on the day so come early to avoid disappointment.

    Where: Connacht Hotel, Old Dublin Road, Galway.

    When: Saturday 27 January, 2018 from 10.00 – 1.00pm

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