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Calculated Grades 2020

    calculated grades 2020

    Calculated grades for Leaving Cert 2020 students are devised using a combination of school information about a student’s expected performance in an examination and national data available in relation to students’ performance in examinations over a period of time.

    A national standardisation process will produce a Calculated Grade for each subject by combining the school data with historic examination data.

    Students in post-primary schools, further education and training centres, private colleges or any other institution through which students have entered for their 2020 Leaving Certificate examination are included in the Calculated Grades process.

    Over 60,000 Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied students have registered on the student portal. This is over 98 per cent of the total who had been expected to sit the Leaving Certificate examinations in 2020. For any remaining candidates there is a help-desk system on the portal which will continue to engage with  students in coming days. The department of education will also continue to engage with schools in an effort to establish if there are reasons that some students could not register.

    For students, the next stage of the process will be later in the summer. Students have provided contact details through the portal and will be contacted directly when it is time to indicate if they wish to opt-in to receive their Calculated Grades.

    It is hoped that the Calculated Grades will issue as close as possible to the usual time-frame for examination results.

    More information about the calculated grades process can be viewed on the video below..