Accounting Courses Ireland

For those interested in a career in accountancy or simply hoping to upgrade their skills or for self-employed book-keeping purposes, there are plenty of options on offer.
Full Time Accounting Courses
Full time accounting courses are available from further education colleges, third level colleges and private colleges..
Pre university accounting courses offer an introduction and solid basis in the fields of accounting and book keeping. Courses such as the level 5 Business and Accounting course from Dunboyne college in Meath (Business Studies 5M2102 or Business Administration 5M2468) are samples of what is to offer at this level. Other pre-university and PLC accounting courses are on offer from Rathmines College – more details can be viewed on the Further Education Accounting Courses page.
Accounting Apprenticeships
Accounting apprenticeships are an excellent option for those seeking a more practical avenue towards accountancy qualification. Students can become an Accounting Technician with a two-year work-based education training programme. In this fully-funded programme, participants study with a local partner college whilst gaining significant experience working with an employer and earning a salary of at least €21,000 per year. Apprentices graduate with an industry-recognised Level 6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Accounting, and tuition is funded by the state agency SOLAS. Graduating enables you to join the ATI (Accounting Technicians Ireland) professional network and use of the MIATI designation.
Other full time learning options include third level and CAO courses in accounting. Some examples of these are listed below..
- Accounting Technician Course level 6 with IT Carlow – Higher Certificate in Accounting CW936
- Bachelor of Business in Accounting level 7 with Dublin Business School
- Bachelor of Business level 7 – SG536 – with IT Sligo
- Bachelor of Science Accounting Degree level 8 with University College Cork
Professional Development Accounting Courses
For those interested in CPD (Continuous Professional Development) or career skills training options providers such as the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) in Dublin and nationwide Pitman Training centres offer short-term accounting courses.
Pitman Training offer a number of Accounting Technician courses by AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians), they also offer a payroll (manual and computerised) course and a sage 50 accounting software course. These courses are available both online and in-centre. More details can be viewed at the following links;
Accounting courses with Pitman Training Dublin
Accounting courses with Pitman Training South
IPA offer a number of short term professional accounting courses, including Accounting Fundamentals and Budget Management. These courses are available online.
Accounting Bodies
In addition to the learning options above there are 4 accounting bodies which certify students in Ireland, these are;
Chartered Accountants Ireland, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA).
Chartered Accountants Ireland – A chartered accountant can offer specialist accountancy services and business advice in a range of important areas. Your starting point with Chartered Accountants Ireland will depend on your prior education qualifications. All degree graduates from mainstream universities and colleges are eligible to join. If you’re a graduate of a business degree or have already passed Accounting Technician or other professional exams, you will qualify for exemptions from some of the exams leading to a chartered accountancy qualification.
The Chartered Institute of Certified Accountants (CIMA) is a global professional management accounting body based out of the UK. CIMA offers training and qualification in management accountancy and related subjects. It is focused on accountants working in the industry and provides ongoing support and training for members. If you are considering a career in finance or business, having a CIMA qualification can open doors with top employers all over the world.
The ACCA Qualification is a leading accountancy qualification for aspiring financial professionals. The qualification provides students with the skills, knowledge and values to have successful accounting careers. ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a global professional accounting body offering the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification. It has hundreds of thousands of members worldwide. ACCA’s headquarters are in London with other administrative offices throughout the globe. Many colleges in Ireland offer ACCA certified courses, including Dublin Business School, Griffith College and Cork IT.
The Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) is one of the main Irish accountancy bodies with thousands of members and students. CPA has introduced a mandatory regime of Continuing Professional Development for it’s members, thus ensuring that all CPAs maintain high levels of professional expertise throughout their careers. The CPA Qualification is comprised of 3 exam stages, Foundation, Professional and Strategic, The qualification contains 14 exams in total. CPA students are required to complete a minimum of 3 years (36 months) of relevant training. You can study for a CPA qualification through part-time courses, online learning, or a combination of both (blended learning).
Online Accounting Courses
Online introductory and professional development courses in accounting and book-keeping are available from online learning providers such as Kilroys College and CMIT (College of Management and IT). Kilroys College offer courses in self employed accounting and taxation and farm accounting and taxation. CMIT offer an online bookkeeping course which provides basic understanding of the application of bookkeeping and accounting knowledge in the workplace. Irish Payroll Association run online and flexible learning courses in the area of payroll. These courses offer certification and employment opportunities in the fields of payroll and taxation.
Evening Courses in Accounting
Evening courses in accounting are also available from many colleges and education providers. Typically these would involve introductory learning in areas such as book-keeping with manual and computerised accounting both usually taught at an introductory level. For more information contact you local ETB centre or third level college. These evening classes and part time learning courses usually start in Autumn and Spring semesters each year.